Complex systems are made of a large number of components intricately interacting with each other and arise in several disciplines like physics, biology, engineering and the social sciences. Even when the components are well understood in isolation, it is a great challenge to determine the emergent behaviour that results from their interactions. Complex systems often present features that make their description challenging such as: heterogeneous components and/or interactions, nonlinear and chaotic behaviour, adaptation to a changing environment...
Understanding complex systems has real-world impact, but the study of complexity also requires deep and involved mathematics, which during the years produced beautiful mathematical discoveries, such as the mean-field solution of spin glasses or the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation for the description of growing interfaces.
In the UK there is a strong community of researchers on these and related subjects, and the Disordered Systems group of KCL’s Mathematics Department is at the forefront of research in statistical mechanics of disordered and complex systems. The group focuses its research on both fundamental problems, such as non-equilibrium systems, network theory, soft matter theory, and random matrix theory, and on applications, such as mathematical biology and quantitative medicine, social phenomena, finance, statistics and inference, machine learning.
Understanding complex systems has real-world impact, but the study of complexity also requires deep and involved mathematics, which during the years produced beautiful mathematical discoveries, such as the mean-field solution of spin glasses or the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation for the description of growing interfaces.
In the UK there is a strong community of researchers on these and related subjects, and the Disordered Systems group of KCL’s Mathematics Department is at the forefront of research in statistical mechanics of disordered and complex systems. The group focuses its research on both fundamental problems, such as non-equilibrium systems, network theory, soft matter theory, and random matrix theory, and on applications, such as mathematical biology and quantitative medicine, social phenomena, finance, statistics and inference, machine learning.